today i got a phone call from the dog sitting guy. he called because... i have a second interview! he told me that the main reason i have to come in tomorrow is so that the house keeper can tell me where to purchase the fresh squeezed orange juice that, as he told me during our first meeting, must always always _always_ be available in the house. so i think i am a shoe in. i'm considering stuffing my shoes w/ doggy treats in order to sway the canine vote. they do outvote him, afterall. unless the housekeeper gets a vote. but i am pretty sure that she liked me as well. i mean, the way to make someone like you is to smile and nod everytime they talk to you in portugese, right? i seemed like i was following the conversation well enough anyway.
another weird thing about today: the word of the day was obliterate, here is the sample sentence they used
to illustrate its usage:
To obliterate all thoughts of the blizzard outside, Terry lit a scented candle, put on some Vivaldi, and sat in front of the fire with her spring catalogs.
another weird thing about today: the word of the day was obliterate, here is the sample sentence they used
to illustrate its usage:
To obliterate all thoughts of the blizzard outside, Terry lit a scented candle, put on some Vivaldi, and sat in front of the fire with her spring catalogs.