Friday, October 06, 2006

i was walking the dogs the other morning, and i saw the guy who lives two doors down. and his little dog was outside w/ him. the guy had him off his leash, but the dog was willfiull. it wasn't one of those dogs that stays off the leash and won't leave your side. it was totally bullying this guy! not listening at all. so willfull! so the dog starts looking at my dogs, and the guy's like kokomo, no! and kokomo ignored him, and started walking over towards us, and the guy kept yelling kokomo!
no!!! and then he picked up the little dog and was walking to get inside, and i am approaching him the whole time. as i get kind of close to this guy i realize he is dressed a little strangely, like a t-shirt and silk shorts and a little bathrobe. and then he starts saying 'he takes my shoes... kokomo ... my shoes... he puts them in the backyard...' and i look down and the guy is wearing two incredibly mismatched shoes. on his left foot was a white/light colored croc and on his right foot he was wearing a black loafer.


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