last night there was a little party at stanley house because it is land's birthday on the 6th, mine on the 10th, and chloe just moved in. so we were there. at one point there was a group of people inside and there was this one guy i didn't know who we were all talking to. someone mentioned that their friends were married by a humanist priest, or some strange splinter cell of christianity. i asked if the humanists had any wedding traditions, like the ancient jewish wedding tradition of stepping on the light bulb. the guy no one knew said uh, it's a glass. and i said actually i'm preeeeeeeety sure it's a lightbulb. and he said IT'S NOT in this strange angry way and everyone got real quiet like for a few seconds.
ps. i saw this advertisment for a new crib designed by the chinese for baby girls:
ps. i saw this advertisment for a new crib designed by the chinese for baby girls:

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