Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Nickels and I picked up the noble animal today. instead of the 18 pound bird we ordered, they only had a 25 pound bird. what gives, erewhon!!? but they gave it to us for 22 pounds, so that kind of made up for it? maybe?
either way, it's a pretty big bird, and it looks decent. i am a bit nervous about cooking something so large, and about keeping something in that kind of heat for 5 or more hours. it seems unnatural. i havenever tried a deep fried turkey, but it seems like there has been a new rule instated within the past few years that there must be obligatory conversations about deep fried turkeys any time turkeys or thanksgiving is mentioned. it is now eclipsing the mandatory 'turducken convo' in popularity. but these conversations that we have, they help us remain human. if i couldn't talk about jews getting chinese food and going to the movies on christmas at least once i year, i think i would forget how to love.


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